Bridging the missing round highligh line


Kena is a capacity-building service product of the EYEA, with an objective to provide training, mentorship, access to finance, and market exposure to youth-founded or run businesses. It also aims to encourage youth entrepreneurship through hosting innovation competitions. The association is partnering with a diverse set of stakeholders like private and government-owned financial institutions, policymakers as well development partners, to provide such enabling services in four primary categories.

  • Training & Mentorship

  • Access to Finance

  • Innovation Competitions

  • Market Exposure

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EYE’s objective is mainly focused on supporting youth entrepreneurs and youth owned businesses to be successful in realizing their business ideas and expanding their businesses. The project also works to support the Ethiopian Youth Entrepreneurs Association (EYEA) to develop a strategic plan to guide its mission for the coming three years.

Geographically, the project will be implemented all-over Ethiopia but will be centered in universities to give opportunities for young university students and graduates. On the other hand, all participants of this project will be youth (aged between 18 and 35). In terms of the types of participants, both youth entrepreneurs and youth-owned businesses will be part of the project. Youth entrepreneurs with eligible and feasible business ideas, start-ups, and youth-owned businesses struggling to grow their businesses will participate in the project.








Credit Target


  • Training & Mentorship

    Through the support of development partners and policy makers the association targets to provide technical and soft skill training for young entrepreneurs who are members of the association, The training includes subjects of finance management, business development, and scaling. Furthermore includes soft skill training like time and resource management for business owners. These services will be provided through service providers both in online and offline delivery formats and will be digitally tracked to measure/evaluate the success of the trainees. Kena platform will avail such digital capital to members of the association.

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  • Access to Finance

    Kena will be one of the means by which youth entrepreneurs will gain possibilities to access grant and credit forms of financing as per the service mandate of the association. Financing will be offered in three models: -, Grant processing and mediation based on criteria set by the donors working with the association and standard information qualifications set by the association,Investment matching through standardized members' business profiling and investor targeting Digital credit facilitation and due diligence processing of members' businesses in partnership with private and public finance and financing institutions

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  • Market Exposure

    Through stakeholder engagement and ecosystem actors Kena will host various types of business expos, networking events, and conferences, in addition, This category of engagement will also enable member exposure to attend and be part of international business expos and conferences to further their market reach as well as professional exposure.

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  • Innovation Competitions

    Through Kena digital platforms members will be able to register or register their business to compete in innovation competitions hosted by the association and its partners. These endeavors aim to increase the quality of business and foster a conducive environment for emerging youth-founded businesses. These competitions will be held in partnership with government, and non-government stakeholders through a full digitized process, to register complaints, judge, and rank them accordingly for full transparency.

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